Mistakes are Good Too


Using silk cord or ribbon with beads has been around for ever.  It made a big comeback once again.

I came across chaining made from woven silk. I thought this was the cats meow!  The colors were so pretty and this was something totally different from the norm.

I purchased silk chain in four different colors, pewter, black, gold and brown.  I purchased quite a lot. This stuff is not cheap. It’s well made and silk, wow! I was caught in the moment and excited about a new look.  I used different types of freshwater pearls, pyrite, labradorite, and vermeil beads, chaining and clasps.

I was very excited to show these to shop owners.  The consensus was they looked too much like costume jewelry.

There was nothing to do but take this in stride.  These were not going to sell.  I would lose the money I spent on the silk chain. I could salvage the beads.  I haven’t taken these apart, yet.  I made a blunder and have to take the loss.

Mistakes are good.  It taught me that next time buy only a small amount of something new.  If it works out, I can always go back for more.

If you would like to share some of your mistakes, I would be happy to hear about them.